Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ideas for business plan?

Post any ideas for final project here. Partnerships are welcomed.


jacoblinzy said...

i have no ideas for a business plan

Amber said...

I am entertaining a few ideas. Need more time to think about it.

Amber W

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about starting my own automobile manufacturing company starting out with making race cars and boutique cars.

dlo said...

Possibly an internet cafe.

TimTen said...

Meathead Meat Locker. A gym that will make Gold's Gym cry.

Corey said...

I can't think of anything specific right now, but have lots of ideas.

yojimbo said...

I'm into video games and martial arts, but I have absolutely no ideas how to make a business out of any of it. All I have is passion for my hobbies, so let me know if anyone has similar interests and can provide business ideas.

yojimbo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kel'Cie said...

I'm not sure of what I want to do. I know I want to find my own unique niche though.

Tanika said...

I love making jewelry and have already been really thinking about starting my own home based business. I have even planned on going to get my business license and now is the chance for me to actually plan and develop a good business.

justinleake said...

diy grill-spot.
come in, rent grill, space, and utilities.

deapal3850 said...

I'm thinking of a business that sells bread & pastry products.

Anonymous said...

i want to do a business plan to open a recording studio.

FLACO YLE said...

I have alot of ideas but I don't want no one to steal em.

cynedw8608 said...

i want to open a coffee shop

Dezi said...

Ideas for a business plan... operating a computer consulting firm or start up company consultation business definitely interests me. I am keeping an open mind as the course moves on, updating my plan(s) along the way.

Andy A said...

I am currently partners with some people in a clothing company called "Barrelman Apparel." Basically we are an urban clothing company. The company is not structured like it supposed to be, but we are making progress in selling shirts. I want to learn more about partnerships in a small business and make the company grow with ease.

Justin said...

I'm thinking of opening up a game development company.

Unknown said...

i have so many ideas just dont have the money yet lol

amazin112 said...

I will be taking over a family owned homemade ice-cream business. It has been run by my grandmother for the past 25 years. Things are a little outdated and I am sure that I can bring it up to date and increase revenue greatly. It's only open for months out of the year giving me freedom to do as I please for the remainder of the year.

FLACO YLE said...

Andy I have some ideas for an urban clothing company

ray said...

Not entirely sure right now, but would more than likely involve video games in one way or another

surfhatty said...

Open up a surf adventure company in the outerbanks that catered to all ages and abilities take trips up and down the islands to the best spots the islands have to offer. also co operate a surf shop that offered great hospitality and prices.

ShadyShots said...

yeah a record label maybe???

BishopAP said...

I was thinking about opening a comic book store and calling it "I Got Better" Comics. There's a running joke in Marvel where if a character dies and somehow comes back to life and someone says, "I thought you were dead," the reply is almost always, "Yeah, I got better." I think my market base would appreciate that. Plus, I kind of already have a advertising strategy for it.

jacoblinzy said...

The idea I have would cost lots of money but I think over time would be a big success. The idea would be a green energy store that provided many of the services needed to convert peoples life styles to energy independent. The store wouldn’t only provide equipment but also help people fined good contractors who would do a good job at a reasonable price.

Stephanie said...

no idea

David Morra said...

throw the project away and give everyone a A for the class

janette bratti said...

i would love to have my own printing company someday and possibly open an art center for sick kids if the business brings in enough contributions to do so

Richard said...

I was thinking about what if they had something like bestbuy's geek squad in walmart.Of course wally-world would be alot cheaper.

Monica said...

i want to open a shop that sells clothes and accessories for small dogs and puppies.

Sharmaine said...

I'm not exactly sure what my final project will consist of yet, but I think that I am going to work on this one alone. I'm not some kind of antisocial person or anything, but working solo, I can work at my leisure, I can take all the credit and all of the blame.

But anyway, I think I might be doing it on some kind of service. Something that's very convenient, not expensive, but worth every dime. Hmmm.

David Morra said...

i am posting a comment

David Morra said...

make a HD/BluRay multi disk changer for the videogame systems

crossfacexcore said...

work for a business after school until i can branch off, take what i learned and create a business of my own.

Sharmaine said...

WAIT, I think I know now. I had always wanted to open a coffee shop geared towards junior high/high schoolers. Younger people like to chill and sip lattes while using wi-fi to do their 3-page research papers! I would like to have some kind of exclusive membership (like Sam's Club) to keep out the riff-raff.

Something with a very relaxing decor, but something fresh. I would like to sell some European recipes.

candace said...

I think a business plan for mne would be a lawn car service right now.

Koran said...

As of today i have no ideas for a business. I do know i would like to offer a service over the internet. maybe something in grants and Aid for college students.

Anonymous said...

I have a few ideas about starting a Cyper Cafe

Coco-Loco said...

We haven't selected or picked our groups yet, but my idea for a buisness plan is
Buisness Name: Sweet Sweets
Sweet Sweets is a company that profits from all types of occasions. We post fliers and direct people to our site where we custom make candy lolly pops for any person(s). Lolly Pops come in all flovors and decorations to pick from.

Ron23457 said...

A place where you could come and watch movies in a pleasant enviroment(mostly Horror movies) and also play video games for all types of systems. A place where friends could help each other get achievements in certain games if they needed it.

Mikhail said...

My business plan idea is for a golf instruction service offering a DVD of the student's swing at the end of the lesson. It would include onscreen reference aids designed to provide the student with feedback to help them correct their swing faults.

CHIEF Q said...

When I was younger, I wanted to own a Bar & Grill but now I rather
own a franchise business such as SUBWAY or COLDSTONE ICE CREAM.

xda1kidx said...

Home cleaning service, you sleep while we sweep......

Rocky said...

I would like own to a coffee shop, a place for relaxation & serenity.

1CHAD said...

I have some business plans some I've thought through others are just in theory. I have an idea for a fast and convient coffe shop called CoGo(copyrighted) it is only operational during late night to early afternoon. It's set up like a bank having multiple serving windows each is a seperate little coffee booth and all items are recieved by conveyer belts from the main building. There's more to this when it becomes operational.

affall1786 said...

In the next 10years or so I would like to establish a few vacation homes in Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados and maybe even in New York or New Jersey. It may sound far off but to me there is never enough. Due to personal experiences I know this and i know there is alot of competition out there but I am determined.

Kenneth said...

I want to build a business plan for my Business Plan consulting business for BUS122 Students.

Zer_0 said...

My idea for a buisness plan is to make as much money as possable and make it to the top of the latter. but still provide quallity service

Jen Gorski said...

To be honest, I have no 'real' business plan-I'm sort of dry when it come to imagination. I have tons and tons of experience managing pizza joints, so more than likely my business will be somewhere along the lines of a restaurant-as boring and cliche as that may sound. I'm extremely shy around people, so if you'd like to merge some sort of partnership, just let me know! I don't bite :) I'm sure in the coming days, more ideas will come to me but at the moment, that's my tentative plan.

Dylan West said...

I am working on a Christian video game called "A Signet Forever". It is an action RPG that is designed to lead the player to faith in Christ, to help disciple those who already follow Christ, and to teach a foreign language. (My first version will teach Mandarin Chinese to English speakers). One day, once I'm finally finished developing the game, I may want to sell it. I want this game to be the first of a whole series of similar evangelistic/linguistic games that I envision developing out of my own Game production studio. Of course, this is a very long-term goal, but I'm preparing for it now, everyday.